Author Archives: Paramjit Kaur

About Paramjit Kaur

Paramjit Kaur was born to immigrant parents from Punjab, India. She fell in love with books as a little girl and knew one day she would be an author. Although she has spent most of her adult life building a successful career with the Government, she never forgot her dream of being a writer and published author. She is working on her first novel, has a monthly blog that chronicles her process of finishing the novel and hosts a weekly writing group. Writing is her passion and this is how she makes sense of the world. She holds a Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Speech Communication from California State University, East Bay.

Nasty Drink


Yes, I would love to meet the man of my dreams but the man of my dreams wouldn’t be late to every date. I won’t settle for less.

The man of my dreams would know how to treat me as a woman and human being. He would call when he said he was going to, he would be on time or maybe early for a date and oh yeah he would have a kind heart. Does this mean I’m picky?

Unlike you, he wouldn’t cancel at the last minute because he was tired or stuck in traffic. The man of my dreams would overcome these silly obstacles. This is not unreasonable. Read the rest of this entry

My Stories


Sometimes writing is painful. The words don’t flow and the blank page mocks me. This new blog, the one that we collectively decided would be a place for us to share our stories, yes this same blog, has stopped my stories altogether.

What story should I write? Who will read it? Should I take care not to offend the people that are often the subjects of my funny and sometimes heart-breaking stories?

Would I dare to tell the stories of my family whose sharp words have left open wounds? Read the rest of this entry