Tag Archives: bears

Skipping Stones


The stone skipped once, twice, three times over the grey lake water before plunging to the bottom.  Four sets of concentric ripples wobbled over the surface, crashing into each other and sending a lone, brown leaf further adrift.  The girl began to look for another smooth, flat stone.  Four skips was her personal best.  She was trying for five.

If she hadn’t been so absorbed in her search on the pebbled shore, she would have noticed the great brown bear hiding, or trying to at least, behind an old, but still relatively small tree.  His paws wrapped almost all the way around the bark, his great furry sides stuck out from the cover of the trunk, and his entire snout and one eye poked around as he watched the girl pick up rocks, turn them in her hand, and toss them back on the ground.

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