Tag Archives: rapeculture

Here & There


It’s a dark cafe. Crowded with students, writers, pseudo-intellectuals, and elderly couples on their monthly night out. I’ve been here a total of four times now, once with him. He had blueberry pie. I sat drinking water. I’m sure if I studied the cafe I could find exactly where we sat, but that wouldn’t serve me any purpose save for morbid curiosity. So I quickly glance the room as I walk in.

 We sat and we laughed
We sat and we laughed
He must have despised me
We sat and we laughed
But if I let myself remember correctly, he didn’t care at all. His parting words, “In the interest of being polite…” And that’s the harshest sting. That he’ll live his life forgetting about me. Because it was nothing. Another breath. Another evening. One of the many conquests in the dark.
I was down and I waited
I breathed in and I hoped
That it would finish sooner than later
That he would leave before I’d have to ask
He looked at me and laughed
He looked at me and laughed
I didn’t own myself then
He looked at me and laughed
And it’s the harshest sting. His face interchangeable with the others. Another breath. Another evening. One of the many conquests in the dark.